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25 October 2012

10 Favourite Memories - World Travel

Music, laughter and special experiences make travel such a unique experience for all of us.
Some of my favourite memories: ( not in any particular order)
1- My first sight of the Grand Canyon from a helicopter - the tears just flowed.
2 - Buying an oil painting of the Eiffel Tower after climbing all the way down this icon of Paris!
3 - Riding the ferries in Sydney Harbour and wishing for the courage to climb Sydney Bridge
4 - Walking Lombard Street in San Francisco, so so very tired after long flight
5 - Trying to escape the black-robed Jewish jewelry traders in Manhattan
6 - Being nearly  ridden over and squashed by a bicycle in Amsterdam
7 -  Stumbling upon a tiny Irish pub, filled with Irish people playing their music - not a tourist in sight.
8 - Eating at a great restaurant in Grundlsee, Austria, dripping wet from the rain - and nobody stared!
9 - My walk/hike up Fox Glacier, New Zealand
10 - Eating Provita with Marmite at the top of the tower in St Marks Square, Venice

For Accommodation Cape Town, South Africa

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