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06 October 2012

(19) UK - Shirley - Avon Canal - Narrow Boat Trip

I woke up to the sound of James banging and crashed like a hippo and wondered what on earth was happening but it felt too cold to get up!
I hollered but he did not hear me - when he eventually came to the cabin it was to tell me that he woke up to find the boat adrift in the middle of the canal again with one mooring rope totally off and the other just about off as well. So armed with the long pole, he pushed and pushed until he got alongside again! Crazy stuff - this boat must have a wish to escape somewhere! As this is our 2nd trip and the ropes were tied around two bollards, it remains a mystery as to how this one came right off the bollard. "Castaway" seems a very apt name for this monkey of a narrow boat!
We took a walk to check out the drawbridge workings again and then got talking to the Hotel Boat moored up ahead. They have 8 passengers on board from all over - Australia, New Zealand, UK. Apparently, the food on board is excellent - Beef Wellington last night plus divine strawberry cheese cake! They seem a jolly bunch and don't have any stress in managing locks or moorings!  It looks like a railway carriage - passage on the side and cabins on the other. Perhaps bunk beds? Didn't ask though.

Last night our "neighbours" complained about our engine running at about 17.45 hrs - we switched off to accommodate them but everybody says we should just have said "tough!" For those who don't know one has to run the engines for at least 5 hours a day to charge the batteries for the evening. As we were downloading photos, charging cell phones and camera batteries, the engine really needed to stay on for awhile. The rule is no engine between 20.00 hrs and 08.00 hrs. So we were within our rights - maybe this couple went to bed at 18.00 hrs?

The key to work the drawbridge did not want to turn so James had to dash over, managed to get the key turned and then I could press the "open bridge" button. Closing the bridge was OK but then I could not get the key out! Pathetic. the long and short of this was James again having to dash over to assist. Weak wrists and a total technical nightmare - that's me!
The tow path beckoned so off I set allowing James to enjoy his ride on the canal in peace. The houses on canal side are very posh in this area from Shirley and the tow path is very pretty with many trees, ferns and greenery. The rain overnight made the path very muddy and this eventually beat me as I could not get through without risking a fall in the mud. This did not appeal as muddy shoes and a muddy jacket which could not be cleaned, did not appeal if I fell on my bum!
We passed a huge block of apartments where a lady as feeding the ducks. The ducks obviously know this happens daily as they suddenly appeared from nowhere to jump up on the bank and get stuck into the bread offerings. Every time I spoke to a duck ( this happens to people walking a quiet towpath!) it came swimming up expecting some food offerings and I felt really bad being empty handed.
There are a number of canal boats in permanent private moorings which slows the boat down as one has to "Go Slow" The wind caught the boat just as a moored craft appeared so there was nearly a collision! Thankfully, poles and hooks come in handy in these situations.
We spotted the Hotel Boats moored near Hockley Heath so we managed to moor one boat behind them.
Lunch break then off to explore.

After lunch we headed off on foot to see the Lapworth Locks - 14 locks going downhill and an hour's walk from where we are moored. The Lapworth Flight is not as impressive as the Foxton Locks but still interesting to see nevertheless and we saw a few boats going both downwards and upwards. We found some fridge magnets in the Canal Boat Shop and the lady there kindly pointed out the way to the pub for a loo stop. Go in the back way, she said and the toilets are right there. Nobody will know. Well, with my luck a staff member was coming out with a bag of refuse and gave me a rather dirty look! Tough! If my friend, Mrs P can walk into the table Bay Hotel in the V&A Waterfront in Cape Town just to use their loo's, then I think the Roof Inn stands no chance.

The weather forecast this morning said sunshine and showers - we have just experienced both at the SAME time. The Brits certainly aim to get the forecasts correct.
The sad news currently is the abduction of the little 5 year old in Machynlleth in Wales - we stayed in the area a few years ago and did all our grocery shopping in this charming village. The world truly has some very sick people these days.
The Hotel Boat is moored just below us but they have been out all day on an excursion so there is nobody in sight. Our pub tonight is the Wharf Tavern which looks very run down but it's within a few yards and there is nothing else within a short walk. We walked into the village and the convenience store did not even have yoghurt - very sad.
Supper was enjoyed at the Wharf Inn - a very run down looking pub on the canal but the food was good! Chicken Korma and Cheese Burger plus the most delicious Chocolate Fudge Cake - the best to date. The Brits certainly appear to make great choc fudge cake!
It gets dark quite early now that we are into October so we are now safely back on board. The Hotel Boat has everybody tucking into their dinners - unfortunately, we could not see what they were eating but perhaps we will hear their menu tomorrow before they set off for the day.
Night everybody.

© Judelle Drake

For Accommodation Cape Town, South Africa

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(20/21/22/23) UK - Narrow Boat - Hockley Heath - Birmingham

Freezing cold in the boat this morning and we can only turn the engines on at 08.00 and then turn on the heating. The good news is that the sun is shining and perhaps will shine all day.
We set off fairly early as we were planning to turn around at Bridge 27 where there is a winding hole. I walked down with my windlass to the drawbridge at Bridge 26 to open this up for the boat. The British Waterways crew arrived to cut down a tree that had fallen into the river but James managed to get passed first and I decided to wait at the open drawbridge for his return.........and waited and waited getting more and more cold standing in the morning chill. The Hotel Boat lot came down but had to moor whilst the tree was cut down so I asked one of the Australian guests to warn James to stop. He did eventually make an appearance after I thought he had vanished down Lapworth Flight! Apparently, he made  real right royal mess of turning in the winding hole and then panicked which most probably made it worse! Next time, you stay on board, he told me! Anyway, it was fun watching the British Waterways crew cut down the tree - they threw the branches across the canal for the lady to pick up and hide in the foliage on the banks. At times she had to get full length on the ground to pick up the floating logs - luckily none of them hit her on the head although it was a close shave at times.

The Hotel Boat then came waltzing through - how they mange to control 2 long boats so well beats me. Practice and more practice, I suppose. The guests were sitting like royalty waving at anybody on the tow path! It's the easy way to do this but perhaps not quite so much fun?
A hot cup of coffee restored James' spirits and we are now winding our way back to Shirley.
A walk was required to loosen up my sore, stiff muscles after the 4 hour walk yesterday so I walked from Shirley to Kings Norton. Its a very muddy walk and the tow path is not too well maintained with abundant growth on the sides so that one cannot moor easily for a tea break and the mud on the path gets more slushy after the bicycles ride through. A fisherman was sitting on his stool fishing so I asked him if he ever caught any fish. His monosyllabic answer was yes. I do find the British rather unfriendly - do I look so scary that they can't talk? Whilst walking past some canal side houses, there were 2 gents about 3 houses apart, both at the bottom of their gardens, chatting on their cell phones. Hopefully, not to each other as they were within shouting distance! The tow path is fairly deserted and the boat goes so slowly that I was always miles ahead. So I had to keep doubling back just to keep in sight. Rather frustrating.

We suddenly came upon the bridge before I could get back on board so I had to walk overhead. No problem, I though - it will come out on the other side. No such luck - I was suddenly faced with 2 lanes of traffic and a town centre! Which way now? Rather panic stricken as I was not carrying a cell phone, I asked the first bloke who passed. Scary looking fellow with tattoos all over both arms. Anyway, he was very polite and helpful and told me to cross the street and then head left. However, I was then faced with a very long row of houses plus a fork in the road. I stopped a lady who pointed me in the right direction - go downhill, she said. Following this path seemed to be headed towards a street again when I suddenly spotted a tiny footpath so back-tracked to look. Hidden amongst the foliage was a sign that said "Canal Ramble" Hurrah - I won't have to spend the night on the streets!!! I reached the end of the tunnel and could hear a boat chugging along so stood waiting. Lo and behold, it was not Castaway so I asked the couple if there was a boat ahead of them. Nope! So off I started again, by now rather desperate for the loo. Eventually, I could see Castaway up ahead so I waved like crazy when James turned round, only to have him completely ignore me. I came to some mooring bollards - no James - he had merrily carried on. By now my knees were aching, the loo was calling and still he went forward. The boat behind eventually saw my problem and hooted at James. I still don't think he even noticed me, he thought the chap wanted to pass!
Anyway, I eventually got back on board thoroughly irritated, only to be told it was all my fault. Really???

We are now headed back to Birmingham and going faster than normal - thank goodness.
We were quite late arriving in Birmingham and stopped at the water point. James could not get the water lid off - eventually, the people on the next boat came to help and with much banging and crashing they got it off eventually. I wonder who put it back on so tightly?
Food was calling so we set off the Brindley Place where there are tons of restaurants. Mailbox also has restaurant after restaurant - it would take awhile to get through them all. We chose The Slug and Lettuce which was humming and extremely vibey. Given that we were the oldest persons in the entire place it was indeed a picture of the yuppie set of Birmingham! Maybe they don't consider themselves yuppies - just normal 30 yr olds. The ladies are always dressed to kill and the high heels truly can't get any higher - no wonder they sound like clip-clop horses when they walk past. Two girls sitting at a table near us spent most of their time on their cell phones although they did chat from time to time. People were in and out the whole time and most seemed to be there for drinks and a social time rather than food. The cheerful tones and laughter made for a great atmosphere and we thoroughly enjoyed the couple of hours spent there. the food was excellent and very reasonable and the waiter was most attentive. Whether he reckoned we were good for a hefty tip being older than most of the crowd or whether that is his normal cheery nature, who knows? Anyway, we had excellent service so let's not question the reason why!  

We got back to the boat and it started raining soon after, so the timing was good. This weather is so depressing here when we are so used to blue skies every day but one has to accept it and just get out and enjoy the time.

We met a very friendly policeman who advised us how to get into the City Centre. His directions were spot on. The Gas Street Basin is crawling with cops as the Conservative Party are holding their Conference in the Convention Centre which is very close by. We struggled to find the information centre and in fact had walked right passed it as the sign is only on one side!

The architecture in Birmingham is truly interesting with the old mingling with the modern. There is also much renovation/building going on plus many "To Let" signs.  The City centre is quite small which we found rather surprising given the size of the city as a whole. I saw a gorgeous red and white glass cat for 22 pounds - this really was calling out to travel to South Africa but James had the wallet and strode purposefully onwards. We will never find that little shop again - it's just like the home for my Irish people that stayed in Ireland leaving my "little people" homeless in SA.

We did eventually reach the info centre and the chap told us to catch Bus 22 for the Botanical Gardens. Unfortunately, he did not volunteer the info that we required the exact change for the bus so the driver refused to let us board. So we had to stand in a tiny shop, in a queue, to buy some mints for .58c to get change! Bus 22 did indeed take us to the Botanical Gardens. The autumn colours are glorious and the gardens are worth a visit - however, we have to admit that Kirstenbosch Botanical in Cape Town are much bigger with more walks.

To catch the bus back to town was another story - cross the road, turn left, then turn right and look for the bus stop! Crazy but the problem is a one-way system. Not easy when you have no clue!
The City Centre was very quiet this morning and I commented on the lack of crowds. Not so when we returned from the gardens - the walkways were very busy with people bustling to and fro. I even managed to grab a photo of two girls with really high heals - the clip-clop brigade as we have nick-named them.

On the bus back to the city, we sat next to a couple and the chap was talking on the phone to his solicitor about his mom dying recently. He found the title deeds to her flats/properties but could not find a will. He has one sister. All this while on the bus!! He made an appointment for Monday at 11.00 and he told his girl-friend that they would to leave early at .05.00 to get wherever they are going. We did not hear that bit.

After lunch on board, we took a walk down the canals - there are many apartments lining the canal and they are all ever hopeful with their patio furniture. To be fair, I suppose it is October now and winter is setting in but no sunshine? Very depressing.
We spotted a man lying sleeping on two crates - with a gap in the middle. How uncomfortable would that be? We also saw an elderly lady in a red coat carrying two handbacks, wandering past us. Not much further down, we spotted her again, wandering in the opposite direction - hopefully, she is not lost - however, she does not look like a tourist.

Birmingham has a number of interesting buildings - The Rotunda is a 271 foot circular tower built in 1964/1965 as aprt of the Bull Ring complex. It has now been converted into 232 luxury apartments. Collect the Heritage Buildings brochure at the Info centre and do the walk to view many of these.
The sad news still on TV is the search for April Jones who went missing a few days ago in Machynlleth, Wales. The suspect has been arrested and now charged with murder but her body has not yet been found. One's heart goes out to these folk in a tiny village where it would be considered safe for all, including children.

Friday night in the Gas Street Basin, Brindley Place and The Mailbox is busy. We thought an early supper was called for but found out that even as early as 18.30 the restaurants were all very busy. The Slug and Lettuce was standing room only and then barely just. We wandered around and eventualy settled on the burger place in the Mailbox, purely because there were table available! They don't have beer on tap but do offer free monkey nuts while you wait! The burgers were pretty good - no complaints there. It was a good people watching spot as we were sitting at the windows. The people just kept streaming in - all shapes and sizes and many young girls in skinny summer evening wear, looking frozen but determined to have a good night out! Luckily, we had moored just opposite The Cube where is was blissfully quiet for two nights - Gas Street Basin itself, is far noisier as the clip-clop brigade come past at all hours.
We slept well!

We awoke to bright sunshine today and sadly have to leave Birmingham. After taking on some water, we were ready to make the u-turn and head back. A rather distraught couple passed us looking for the lady's guide dog. Very odd that a guide dog would leave it's mistress but they walked up and down, calling and whistling. As we headed out, we passed them on the next bridge and they shouted that they had found the dog - thankfully.
The canal seems a very cheerful place this morning - everybody is smiling and friendly. I can't quite believe it but its true. Perhaps because it is Saturday and the sun is shining? Cyclists are out, runners are out, moms with tots are out, many of them giving shy waves, couples are out with their picnic lunches, the Uni students are playing tennis - it's all bright and wonderful! Even the horrid section of the canal between Kings Norton Junction and Bourne is more sunny today and does not look quite so grim with all the graffiti and industrial buildings. The moorings at Bourneville were still occupied - by the same boats? even though they are 48 hours only so we did not stop. The burnt out boat has been taken away and we are still wondering whether this was a gas fire.
There are a a number of boats on the canal today - again, the increase in activity must be due to week-end. Up to now, boats have been fairly scarce which has made for quiet chugging along but not much interaction.
We stopped at Hopwood House for an on board lunch break and then tried to go for a walk but just busy roads and traffic noise so we decided to go forward thinking there were some more moorings further along. Plenty yes - all private or else nowhere where we could stop for supper. So we ended back at Alvechurch where we have now moored for the night.
A brief sit in the sunshine and then we wandered down the very wet and muddy tow path. A fisherman was comfortably ensconced in his chair, just gazing into space with his line in the canal. On the way back I asked him if he ate the fish that he caught. With a smile, he shook his head and told me that he threw them back so that he could catch them again next time. Today gave him peace and quiet along the canal in some glorious sunshine so he enjoyed a grand day!
Everybody has been smiling today - amazing what some bright sunshine can do to peoples morale!
After a hot shower, we wandered down to the Weighbridge Pub which is on site at Alvechurch Marina to have supper - it was all locked and barred until 19.00!

Promptly at 19.00 hrs we went back only to find that their tables were all reserved! The staff recommended either the Indian Restaurant or the Red Lion in Alvechurch town. Saturday night here is crazy - there was no parking to be had so we parked infront of a MOT garage and hoped for the best. The Red Lion was packed to the gills with a 40 minute wait. Luckily James spotted a high table that had just been vacated so I grabbed it. It was high, lofty and private, giving us a view of the birthday party down below plus a couple having a major argument - so much so, that they ended up writing notes to each other until they eventually started talking again. After a few drinks they left, most probably to carry on with their problems. The food was very good, there was free Wi-Fi - a huge bonus after our saga with the very expensive T-Mobile. We enjoyed just sitting in the buzz of happy people with no blaring music - just chatter and laughter.
An elderly lady was sitting in her lounge watching TV with all her curtains open - we saw her when we went to the pub and when we came out again she was still in exactly the same position, smiling to herself. It must have been a good movie and her chair is obviously most comfy, but it was rather sad to see her all alone on a Saturday night. However, there are many such people all over the world and they just get on with life and continue to smile. It's lovely to see.

It's a sad morning and the weather is being mournful with us bringing in fog to wave us off our "Castaway" narrow boat this morning. The Narrow Boats are very narrow - the spare loo on our boat was only fit for a midget - try and get an elephant through a porthole and that will give you some idea of the gymnastics required. The words " a tight squeeze" would be most appropriate! One also has to climb onto the bed from the bottom as there is no side space but once ensconced, you will be as snug as a bug. We did end up using two double duvets to keep warm - thank goodness this was available as we only 2 adults on a 4 sleeper boat.
It's narrow, it's fun and it is very slow so you just have to relax - there is no other alternative. Equipped with a gas stove and oven, fridge, microwave and all the crockery required, self-catering is no problem. However, with the good food in the British pubs these days, if you only boil the kettle for some tea/coffee, that's also fine. 
This activity is better with fine weather as manning the tiller during a downpour is the total pits and you will be drenched.
If you have never done a canal holiday, make sure you book for next summer!
Boaters are friendly people and many of the UK residents have their dogs onboard as well. If you find yourself in any sort of predicament, they will do their best to assist you.
Whilst waiting for our boat to be checked we chatted to the chap on duty who told us that British Waterways had been replaced by the canal Trust in April 2012. One has to hope that this will work as we found the canal sides very overgrown in many parts, refuse disposal in Birmingham not operational and very muddy tow paths. Whilst the latter is understandable after all the rain, some parts do have stones/gravel which makes it simpler for walking. Having said that, there are hundreds of miles of canals in UK, used by thousands of people so it is quite a daunting task. As boating is such a fun holiday week, one hopes that the Trust will be up to the task of maintaining the canals.
The Alvechurch Marina staff were exceptionally good, friendly and helpful and they must get full marks.
Don't delay, book your boat today. If you don't want to manage on your own, there are a number of Hotel Boat operators - you can then sit back and totally relax and get fed regularly as well! Either way, it's a great week out.

 © Judelle Drake

For Accommodation Cape Town, South Africa

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02 October 2012

(18) UK - Birmingham to Stratford Canal

Waking up refreshed to the normal grey skies, we set of to turn the boat round to head back towards Kings Norton junction. Turning the boat near the permanent moorings went swimmingly but a few yards further down when we tried to tie up for water, the boat caught the wind and it nearly went adrift in the canal again! James managed to jump on and then rescue me from the shore. The wind was so strong that we abandoned the idea! James also had to contend with some canoeists who just did not give way despite the fact that the narrow boat is much bigger than they are. We reckoned they were Uni students out practicing. Trying to avoid a small object like a canoe when steering a very long narrow boat is not an easy task but thankfully, James did manage to avoid them otherwise we could have been locked up in Birmingham! The students are not at all friendly, they all avoid one's gaze and look away or down but there are no friendly Hello's. The only chap who greeted me was over 60 and riding a bicycle.

A little further down I hopped off to walk the tow path which is my favourite part of the day. The section from the Gas Street Basin to Bourne (Cadbury's Chocolate) is fine for walking as the tow path is well used by students of Birmingham University. It is nice and wide and is very pretty with many trees. There are moorings at Bourne, plus a burnt out boat, but there is also a warning sign that thieves operate in the area so take your belongings with you if you intend to visit the chocolate factory. It's rather sad that one can't be safe anywhere these days. And we think South Africa is bad?
The graffiti along the next part of the canal continues to astound me - ever inch of space is covered in weird markings that only the "artists" must understand - the meaning is beyond my little brain! However, it makes for a bad vibe and an area that one just needs to get through. One supposes that a city as big as Birmingham has plenty of louts who thrive on making their stupid mark for whatever rocks their boats.

We have now turned into the Stratford Canal and will only be doing a small portion of this before heading back to Alvechurch. Already this feels more peaceful and we have moored up for a welcome lunch break and a short walk. The weather is not being kind so we got wet while walking through a lovely park called Kings Norton Park. Some of the trees are sporting their glorious autumn colours and this perhaps makes up for the awful weather? Just a tad - a brief moment only!

 Carrying on we passed more graffiti - do these folk have NO LIFE???? I think not. It's a shame that this happens in a 1st World Country. Greece was bad but then so are there economics! The canal here is much narrower than the one up to Birmingham but it has been very quiet. Brandwood Tunnel was fairly short at 322 m but I forgot to switch on the lights inside the cabin so I had to remain on "deck" as I could not see the steps down and didn't want to fall! The tunnels are very dark and horrid but at least this one was short.

The trees and ferns along the banks are gorgeous but the water is dirty and full of rubbish.
We passed a large number of boats moored at Lyons Boatyard so had to go very slowly and luckily did not meet another boat coming up. One boat even had a baby on board! I could not imagine living on something like this - it's great for a holiday but full-time? One would need to be very minimalistic and that's one thing just cannot get right. Even the luggage is just about always overweight when leaving home. After the boatyard, we enjoyed lovely forest like surroundings until we came to homes on the canal banks. These homes have gardens right onto the canal banks - some are so cute with lovely flowers, others are full of rubbish. A number have lovely wooden decks and just about every home has some sort of patio furniture - from the very basic plastic chair to very smart black woven furniture. Many also have heaters!!
By now the rain had set in and James was getting soaked so we hoped for mooring soon.......it seemed to take forever but the Shirley Drawbridge with moorings suddenly appeared as we rounded the bend. Horray! We have now moored and will have soup and Melba Toast for supper as walking in the rain does not appeal at all.

After awhile, the rain seemed to ease off so we decided a warm pub was a more welcome break from the boat. Luckily, the Drawbridge Pub was just a few yards away (very original name seeing as it is right next door to the drawbridge which we still have to go through!)
The pub was lovely and warm and we found a cosy corner table away from the loud chatter at the bar. The food was good and the waitress friendly. The couple next to us also started chatting to us and we discovered that the elderly gent was born in Gas Street Basin, Birmingham! Having just come from Birmingham this was quite a coincidence.
After some good, hot food we felt more human again and set off back to the boat for an early night.
Tucked under two duvets, it's the best place to be when it gets dark with our Kindles.

© Judelle Drake

For Accommodation Cape Town, South Africa

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30 September 2012

(16/17) UK - Alvehurch Marina - Gas Street Basin - Narrow Boat trip

Our Home for 7 nights - "Castaway"

Yippee - the day has arrived when we set off on our canal boat adventure.
With the Anderton Canal being flooded, we were offered the choice of Alvechurch. This was only 1 hour from The Malverns so we arrived early to collect our boat.
It's name is Castaway and this will be our home for the next 7 days or so. With our supplies bought, we were shown the ropes and the staff at the Alvechurch Marine are first class - very helpful and informative. We are headed up to Birmingham and were told to either go there to moor tonight or to stop just a hour's cruising at Hopwood Inn. As we did not feel like rushing on our first day, we moored at Hopwood. The boat is very long, being a 2 berth but James says it's easier to steer than the 2 berth - time will tell! I walked alongside for some of the way as I don't enjoy standing for such long periods at the tiller.

The Hopwood was very busy and still serving Sunday lunch which I opted for - roast chicken, roast potatoes, peas, carrots and broccoli. James enjoyed Sticky Shredded Duck. My dessert was yummy - Melt-in-the Middle Chocolate with chocolate ice-cream. Gorgeous!
We took a short walk further up the canal to walk off some of this food and then turned back to our own boat. Horror of horrors - it was floating in the middle of the canal. So now what do we do? The water is mucky and brown and we cannot reach the boat. Luckily canal folk are very decent so James went charging back up the canal to borrow somebody's pole. We managed to get the boat back but cannot understand how both tow ropes came adrift and landing in the water unless somebody had a weird sense of humour and decided to cast away our home. Luckily both mooring spikes were handing in the water, still attached to the knots in the rope. We then decided to go further up the canal in the hope of staying tied up for the night!
Lets hope tomorrow does not bring any surprises!

We set off after a yoghurt for breakfast and have not gone very far when we meet a couple on the tow path. The lady is very concerned as the Wast Hill Tunnel is coming up and it is a very long and dark 2493 m! Hopefully, she changed her mind and stayed on the boat as her hubby is now following us through this tunnel. I have left James to do the honours while I sit in comfort in the cabin.
This tunnel is going on FOREVER ......... it's dark, the water keeps dripping down from the roof, the guys behind keep crashing into the side of the tunnel and we are counting down to the end. The expression "the light at the end of the tunnel" has never felt more real - may it get closer fast!
After the tunnel, which was not so bad - only one boat came towards us and we passed each other OK with no mishaps, the scenery changed. very industrial and run-down with graffitti on every available wall space. This seemed to go on forever, until we reached Birmingham University where there were students walking and cycling on the town path. We saw our first "bergie" who looked very scary, all hunched up, dressed in black with a grumpy face! I did not feel too comfortable walking this towpath so remained on the boat.

We saw a graceful heron sitting on the bank - very beautiful.
Entering Birmingham, James panicked and in so doing, broke my glass which was resting on the top of the boat. Grrrrr.......!
Birmingham at the Gas Street Basin is very upmarket with many architectural gems - the best of all called The Cube. This building is incredibly stunning and extremely modern. A sight to behold indeed. There is also a Marco Pierre White restaurant on the 25th floor - we abstained as we don't have the right clothes or the required cash funds! Whilst walking around Birmingham, the heavens opened and we got drenched. So much for the "sunshine" day that was predicted.

For supper we decided that a pizza would be a change so we went to the Pizza Kitchen. Again, incredibly modern with fantastic decor and just as modern clientele arriving for drinks after work. We felt decidedly scruffy in our jeans and t-shirts but we are on holiday after all. Unfortunately, my chicken Tikka Pizza was a case of spot the chicken. Why be so mean with this in this very up-market setting? Beats me. The prices were reasonable but that does not mean the chicken must be scarce? This must count as my worst meal in UK.
Taking a short walk after supper, we encountered a beggar asking for money. Same old, same old? This part of Birmingham seems very quiet but maybe that is because it's Monday and it's cold!
We were hoping to visit the Sea Life Centre but at 18 pounds each, it's a no-no.
An early night was called for but this was not to be. Although the area seemed quite quiet when we moored, we had people walking past the boat every 15 mins or so until approx. 01.00 hrs! What was open at that time, I have no idea as we were surrounded by restaurants rather than clubs. The clip-clop of high heels sounded like a horse going past at one stage! We now understand why we were told NOT to tie-up at the Gas Street Basin but it was OK. In summer, you would need to be a party animal if staying here - otherwise go further on for some peace and quiet.
We did eventually get some sleep!

© Judelle Drake

For Accommodation Cape Town, South Africa

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(14/15) UK - Upton on Severn - Malvern Priory - Ledbury and Family Wedding

We enjoyed our first English Breakfast in ages as we have been self-catering. Personally, I prefer Self-Catering - it gives one more freedom and is perhaps also more healthy! And this also means that we miss our pub lunches as we are not hungry again by lunch-time! Anyway our room overlooking a car park is only for 3 nights then we head off to Alvechurch Canal if that does not flood.

See what I mean? A huge come-down after Barnsdale Country Club!!
However, the room was absolutely 100%

We visited some UK friends today who also have a house in Cape Town and whom we met many years ago whilst inspecting a building site in Blouberg where we had all bought units off-plan. Who would have thought then that we would go through really horrendous times with this investment but that's life and it could have been worse. It was great to see their lovely home in UK which boasts a stunning conservatory for catching the elusive rays of sunshine during the UK summer. It was great to have a catch-up and lovely to see them both.

We stopped at Upton on Severn and could see how high the water still is from the flooding. The benches along the river are under water and the chap from the pleasure boat was trying to clean off all the mud next to their berth. The river Severn is flowing very strongly and one hopes that no more rain is on the way. The river floods Upton annually but more seriously in 1770, 1886, 1947 and 2000. The river is crossed by bridge and was very important for trade in years gone by. Today it is used mainly by pleasure craft. Tudor House looks as if it will fall down any minute, it is so old. Unfortunately this only opened at 14.00 hrs so we could not view it from inside. There are plenty of pubs along the river and one would imagine that they do a roaring trade on sunny (????) days. It's an interesting town and well worth a visit.

Little Malvern Priory was our next stop as we are attending a wedding there tomorrow. The Priory was founded as a Monastery in approx 1127. It has survived to the present day, albeit with some changes. In the Church Newsletter somebody is advertising 2 Handkerchief Trees to good homes - large gardens required. There is also a warning sign at the car park telling church goers to take great care when crossing the road as the cars come down the hill very fast. Hopefully nobody has come a cropper whilst trying to get to church. The family of the bride were all frantically doing the flowers so we escaped quickly.

The Royal Oak serves great food - smiling chef who loves cooking!

Chris and Brenda joined us for supper at the Royal Oak, Much Marcle and it was great to catch up after 3 years. The food was good and I enjoyed a tasty chicken curry - hoping that the heat would chase the cold away.

The well preserved Tudor Buildings make Ledbury a great place to explore.

Today dawned with blue skies - great for the wedding later today.

We wandered off after breakfast to explore Ledbury, an English Market town nestling under the Malvern Hills. Cattle markets were held regularly in this town until 900 years ago and the town was most probably originally started for the wool trade merchants. The High Street is well preserved with many Tudor Black and White buildings, independent specialist retailers and a Tuesday and Saturday Market under the Tudor style market House. The market on Saturday was not very big - some fruit and veg, cheeses, lovely flowers and not too much else.

Church Street is famous in Ledbury and a walk down this piece of history is a must. The current Heritage Centre was built approx. 1480 and has seen a chequered history - it was most probably always intended for public use. St Michaels Church is at the top of the lane. It is indeed a place that comjures up mysteries and stories of the past if only the walls could talk.

Elizabeth Barrett Browning lived in the area from the time she was three until they moved to Sidmouth in 1832. Ledbury Street names honour a number of poets - Drinkwater, Frost, Gibson, Thomas, Abercrombie and Brook. The town holds a poetry festival in July each year.
Much Marcle which is close by, has many apple orchards and a celebration of apple, orchards and cider is held in October.
September 2012 has seen much rain and flooding in UK and Malvern is no exception with the wettest September on record since 1976. The River Severn burst it's banks and a huge hole was found in under the tracks of the railway which passes through this area. Trains were stopped for  days to inspect this large hole and a speed limit is on the line until the problem is permanently solved.
Our family wedding was at 15.00 so the sightseeing came to an end. The bride had sunshine all the way which was a bonus after the recent wet weather.

The reception was held in the Barn at Hellands, another very old home which is open to the public on certain days. The Barn was packed to the gills with approx 113 people - so tightly packed that it was a mission getting out for the loo! The groom has French and Welsh heritage but is South African born so it was a right royal mix. With many guests at around 30 or so years of age, we expected modern disco music. This was not to be and the (very good) band played Rock and Roll!! I was amazed that this went down so well with the younger set - not a modern song played, not even a 60's song played. Being UK, a bus was hired to take guests back to their hotels. How is that for wedding service?

The Bride was laughing so much that it was impossible to get her in focus!
Great Couple!

© Judelle Drake

For Accommodation Cape Town, South Africa

28 September 2012

(13) UK - Leaving Rutland - On the Move - not with Eddie Stobart!

Sadly, today we have to leave Barnsdale Country Club to head south-west to Much Marcle for a family wedding. Barnsdale Country Club has been a superb base for exploring Rutland and the surrounding counties of Leicestershire, Northhamptonshire and Lincolnshire. There is much to do in this area and we have been kept busy and had to leave out quite a few excursions.

The roads were busy with many trucks, including the "Eddy Stobart"  trucks seen on local UK TV - why there is such a fuss about this company we did not quite understand as we tuned in half-way through the program! A section of the motorway had only 2 lanes open and this slowed us down considerably. There is nothing worse than travelling on a motorway in any country - it's boring, usually very busy and seems to go on forever. South Africa excluded - we have such diverse scenery that one cannot get tired of it! But I suppose I am slightly prejudiced!

We eventually reached the Malvern Hills and the Tom-Tom took us via a narrow lane fit only for one vehicle with no turning spots!! Thankfully, we met no other car - heaven knows what would have happened if we did. So take care and do not choose the "scenic" route unless you enjoy the unexpected.

Our booking was at the Royal Oak in Much Marcle - we found the pub easily enough but could not check in until after 17.30. This was most annoying as we had been on the road, stuck in traffic for over 2/5 hours. The room faces a car park - so yuck! Anyway, the room itself was OK so we decided to stay.
Our evening get-together was at a place called the Inn @ Welland and the food was good, the group noisy and happy with a wedding looming so it was a great evening.

Postscript: 13/08/2013

Via Face Book - August 2013 - April Jones (Deceased)
Eddie Stobart is coming to Machynlleth, Wales to release there new lorry which they are naming in memory of April Jones, this lorry will be followed around the country by a TV crew for a year which you can watch on channel 5 (UK). Please come and support us as well as giving a big cheer to Eddie Stobart for putting April Jones' name on their lorry.

A five-year-old girl from Machynlleth, Powys, Wales, disappeared on 1 October 2012, after being sighted willingly getting into a vehicle near her home. Her disappearance generated a large amount of press coverage, both nationally and internationally. A 46-year-old local man, Mark Bridger, was subsequently arrested and charged with Jones' abduction and murder.
  On 30 May 2013, Bridger was found guilty of April's abduction and murder in addition to perverting the course of justice. He was sentenced to life imprisonment. The trial judge ordered that he never be released from prison.

© Judelle Drake

For Accommodation Cape Town, South Africa

27 September 2012

(12) UK - Fox and Hounds and Geddinton

Woke up today to a sore chest - the bane of my life. Where did I catch a bug? It's always a mystery but my cold does not pass even pass "Go "- it launches itself directly to the lungs and makes me miserable. So I took a slow morning - my limbs most likely also required a respite after going up and down Steep Hill in Lincoln twice yesterday.

We also heard the bad news that the Anderton Canal has flooded and some of the river banks collapsed so our Canal Boat trip for next week, has to be cancelled  on this route. RCI were most helpful in giving us a few other options and we have chosen the Alvechurch Canal instead. Let's hope this does not have adverse weather as well!

After all these phone calls trying to re-schedule our plans, we felt decidedly peckish so off we went to The Fox and Hounds in Exton. A great choice, as it turned out. This pub does not have many tables but most filled up after we arrived. The food was excellent - the best by far in our travels to date. We had beef stew with parsnip mash and green beans - the stew was served in a teeny yellow pot - very dinky but full of flavoursome beef. Our starters were excellent and then to finish we had Malva Pudding and Vanilla Cheesecake. All beautifully presented at a Special rate of 13 pounds for the 3 course. Full marks to this pub - do try it if you are in the area.

Exton is the just so pretty - the houses are gorgeous and their flowers on the tiny verges are bright and colourful. It's a small village and we saw a few local children being taught the rules of the road on their bicycles. In such a small village, one doubts there is much traffic but it was good to see road safety being taught in practical terms.
Being our last day in this area today we headed off to see some of the interesting villages.

Kings Cliffe is supposedly like a miniature Cotswold town without all the tourists. However, they are not short of kids - mothers were out in force collecting their pre-schoolers - I was quite amazed that such a small village has so many young families. The village has the funniest narrow lanes running down to Willow Brook - so narrow a fat man would get stuck!

Geddington was our last stop for the day to view the Eleanor Cross which stands proud in the middle of the village. This cross was raised as a memorial by Edward 1 (1239 - 1307) to his late wife Eleanor of Castille (1244 - 1290) There were originally 12 monuments erected as the funeral procession wound it's way from Harby in Nottinghamshire to Westminster Abbey. It is simply incredible that something so old has survived. Eleanor bore 15 children to Edward 1st and he was heart-broken when she died.
The village also has a wonderful old medieval stone bridge which crosses the River Ise. Built in 1250 we drove across it (not supposed to!) as there is a causeway beneath which looked to deep for our little car to go over!
Whilst looking at the Eleanor Cross we met a local chap who is a historian. He was a mine of information and was so very interesting. He took us on a tour of the Mary Magdalene church which was originally built in the 10th century. When the floors collapsed in 1990, a skeleton was found with all it's teeth intact! The stained glass windows are beautiful and the church is much used.
The village apparently holds many festivals throughout the year and  the friendly villagers made our host decide to re-locate to  Geedington. Being from Quebec, Canada originally, this was quite a move but going by his amazing passion for the history of the village, it was a good one.
A great tradition started by Sir Robert Dallinton in the 1600's still exists today whereby loaves of bread are given to the needy villagers (24) every Sunday.
The church also still has two pagan symbols in the church - the God of Water and the Jester - both very old and preserved.
A fascinating hour given to us by a man so very passionate about his village and church. Thank you, Kam Caddle!

The floods in Northern England are now the worst in many years so we are extremely lucky to have been blessed with cloudy weather only today.

© Judelle Drake

For Accommodation Cape Town, South Africa

25 September 2012

(11) UK - Lincoln City Walk

We decided to venture further afield today to explore the city of Lincoln, a city which rises on a cliff above the River Witham. The older part of the city dates back to Roman times and the first recorded settlement was AD 48.
Many of the medieval buildings have survived or been restored and the most impressive of all is Lincoln Cathedral which rises high and proud on top of the hill.
There was an entrance fee to walk around the inside of the cathedral of 6 pound per person which we though was excessive so we did not venture further. It is rather sad that a church feels the need to be so commercial to the extent that one cannot enter without paying. Donations requested maybe but an entrance fee?
We were rather hampered by parking time constraints and moved to a 2nd car park after 2 hours so ended up doing the Steep Hill not only once, but twice!!!

We first walked down Steep Hill, an amazing old street with many historical buildings to find a T-Mobile shop. The street goes all the way down to the city's pedestrian shopping walkways and it was very busy. We found the shop, sorted out our problem and headed back up the hill again. This is a university city so the red, pink and blue hair leaps out at one! Whether this is a new craze or just a Lincoln "thing" I have no idea. The rings were also in the most impossible places o faces and look so VERY uncomfortable!! However, the young are expressing themselves in weird and wonderful ways so I suppose the more way-out young adults are trying to make a statement - "LOOK AT ME" And look we certainly did, gawk, more like it. Luckily for mankind, the majority of students look fairly normal!!!

The university buildings are down at the Brayford Waterford and there were many students around. The buildings are modern and it seems a great place to be studying.
The Waterfront has a number of canal boats and small river craft tied up. We spotted a lone gent setting off on his narrow boat with his bicycle on the back - whether he was just out for his afternoon ride or whether he was off on a longer adventure we could not guess!
The City Centre has tons of shops for those who love shopping - all the big name stores plus others. It has a good feel, this small city.
We stopped to re-fuel at the Magna Carta Pub and enjoyed Cod, Curly fries and peas. I have never heard of curly fries before but for .35 p extra, it was worth a try!
They were curled chips - thin and twirly! Much more fun than boring old fat chips!
We have chosen to visit the English Pubs rather than restaurants as we have plenty of great food in Cape Town but nobody can replicate an English or Irish pub. They offer fairly decent food at good prices in an informal and cheerful setting. We passed a pub called the "Witch and Wardrobe" which offered "Heated Beer Garden at Rear"  - in this weather, one wonders if they ever turn the heating off? The names of the ales are also quite weird - Hobgoblin? I will have to see if James suffers any weird side effects - watch this space! Perhaps, he will turn into a horrid Goblin? Hopefully not, otherwise I am in trouble!

The UK has experienced huge amounts of rain over the past 2 days, with severe flooding in some parts, so we were very lucky to have been blessed with only cloudy weather and a freezing wind!
My Getaway Beanie has been working overtime, keeping my ears warm. Thanks, Getaway!!!
We went up North via the motorway which is certainly not as scary as the Autobahn in Germany. Traffic was free-flowing and well behaved.
We chose to go home via the country route which took us via the inevitable farmlands and small villages. Quiet and peaceful with a number of speed-cameras!
A great city to visit - more time would have been a bonus.

© Judelle Drake

For Accommodation Cape Town, South Africa

24 September 2012

UK - Things I Love and Hate about UK!

What I love about UK:
1 -The pubs - we just cannot replicate these in Cape Town - however, Cape Town does have amazing restaurants.
2 - The castles and the history going back hundreds of years - in Cape Town we have one Castle which is not a residence!
3 - The gorgeous English Gardens - the late Una van der Spuy was our inspiration for English Gardens in South Africa but the wind and heat is often against us.
4 -The stunning English villages with their cute houses
5 - The narrow roads with only "passing places"
6 - The Canal System for narrow boating
7 - The "prettyness" of the countryside
8 - The fact that beer is freely available in supermarkets

What I don't like about UK:
1 - The weather!!!!!
2 - The (sometimes) very unfriendly people
3 - T-Mobile - a total rip-off
4 - The badly maintained tow paths in places
5 - The traffic snarl-ups on the motor ways
6 - The claustrophobic lanes/roads - we are so used to wide open spaces in South Africa
7 - The Grey skies - not great for photography!

For Accommodation Cape Town, South Africa

(10) UK - Rainy Day - Pub Lunch and Egleton Ramble

Waking up early was a waste of time - it dawned cold, grey and miserable! UK weather certainly lives up to its horrid reputation - don't set foot here if you are wanting sunshine - choose the Greek Islands instead! But if you are looking for history, great pubs, walks in nature, markets and gorgeous small villages, then you are in the right place.
After doing some chores we headed off to find some lunch. Our first stop was at the Black Bull in Market Overton. This is supposedly a "warm, traditional inn" with owners from Yorkshire. Well, the van was parked outside, the door was open, the bar was unmanned and there was nobody in sight! With money and keys lying around, they are obviously very trusting but it did not smell as if there was any food cooking and nobody came to assist. Perhaps the locals draw their own beer and pay later! Anyway, we left.

We then headed for the Sun Inn in Cottesmore (bad name for a pub on a rainy day!) The welcome was better here - the pub was actually manned and had some patrons! It's a gorgeous white building - ever so cute from the outside. The staff were friendly and the 2 course menu cost 10.50 pounds. We had Shepherds Pie and Veg (our first veg in ages - too many pies in this country!) and then a fruity pudding with custard.
Unfortunately, it was still pelting down when we emerged after lunch so although we took a drive to Whitwell Harbour, there was nothing happening - in fact, the yachts are mostly on dry land! The Rutland Belle, which does cruises on Rutland Water, was cosily berthed and not going anywhere!
Back home to read the Rutland Times and have our tea.

The weather suddenly seemed to improve, so back in the car to drive to Egleton for a walk on the cycle path to work off the food and the feeling of being cooped up all day - even though we were not! The wind was icy cold but a brisk walk soon got us warmed up although we had to dodge many puddles until we eventually were forced to turn back after a huge section of the path was totally flooded. Lovely reflections in all the puddles made for some interesting photos.
Back home, we were amazed at the brilliant sunset that faced us through our picture window.
A picturesque end to the day and we hope the weather is just a tad better tomorrow!!!


© Judelle Drake

For Accommodation Cape Town, South Africa

UK - Rutland Times - Stealing Entire Kitchens?

As South Africans we think we have the worse crime stats in the world so it is rather fun, if one can call it that, to read a local village paper in UK and find out that there are problems even in tiny villages here.

Seen in the Rutland Times , a local Newspaper, dated 20 Sept, 2012
A property in Melton Road, Whissendine, was broken into at about 11.40am on Tuesday last week.
Police are appealing for witnesses who saw the men running away.
On Sept 7th at 3pm two people were assaulted in Oakham High Street - police are appealing for witnesses.
Burglar high on drugs steals entire kitchen from a new home in Corby where the owners had not yet moved in.
Looking at the villages and homes around here, one would not think that there could possibly be any crime in this affluent area, yet there is.
Hopefully, our kitchens on SA are still safe - I have not yet heard that particular crime doing the rounds!!!
The Fire Departments were also busy the same week:
A TV was on fire in a flat with nobody home
Two hay balers overheated and caught fire in 2 different locations (how does anything over-heat here?)
A warehouse in a self-storage caught fire
A cooker caught fire and damaged a kitchen.
Crazy stuff!!
It remains a great county with friendly folk, pretty villages, fairly sane drivers and good pubs!
But do take care - in Egleton we saw a sign at a car park to the nature reserve
"Leave it on show - Expect it to go"
"Don't make your car a target"
Now who would expect thieves in this tiny village? Surely persons visiting the Bird Hides would be decent folk and not thieves?
Odd but true.

For Accommodation Cape Town, South Africa